Digital Neuropsychology Resources for Patients & Families
Our staff works closely with our patients, their families, and other healthcare providers to provide assistance, recommendations, resources, and to continue Building the Bridge Between Psychology and Medicine. The following are some additional resources relating to symptoms and diagnoses that are of concern to our patients and their families:
Alzheimer’s Resources:
Visit the Alzheimer’s Association website
Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders:
Visit the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder website
For What Clinicians Should Know About Individualized Education Plans and 504 Plans, visit the Amen Clinics website
Autism Resources:
Visit the Autism Now website
Visit the Autism Speaks website
A blog for parents of kids with special needs - visit the Wonder Moms website
For sleep guidance for children with autism spectrum disorder visit the Sleep Reports website
General Resources:
Visit the American Psychological Association website
Visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness – DuPage County Chapter website
Visit the National Institute on Mental Health website
For Ten Ways Pets Support Mental Health visit the Newport Academy website
Learning Disability Resources:
Visit the National Center for Learning Disabilities website